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Tilda Swinton. Le Geste et le Genre

20:30h | SALA 1 | 51' | VOSC | (*)


Fashion vs Words

18:00h | SALA 3 | 25' | VOSE | (*)

27 Piazza Castello

19:00h | SALA 6 | 70' | VOSE | (*)

Fashion vs Music

19:15h | SALA 3 | 45' | VOSE | (*) (**)

Qui êtes-vous, Polly Maggoo?

20:45h | SALA 6 | 101' | VOSE

Scooter LaForge: A Life of Art

21:15h | SALA 3 | 80' | VOSE

(*) Presencia del equipo del documental

(**) Sesión con charla


Chop Suey

16:45h | SALA 7 | 98' | VOSE

The Story of a Panty and of Those Who Make It

17:00h | SALA 3 | 60' | VOSC | (**)

Slow Fashion

17:45h | SALA 6 | 46' | VOSC | (* )

Coco Chanel Unbuttoned

18:30h | SALA 1 | 89' | VOSC | (*)

Donyale Luna: Supermodel

19:00h | SALA 7 | 93' | VOSE

Versace, Les Liens du Sang

19:15h | SALA 3 | 52' | VOSE

Jacquemus, Le Prince Soleil

19:30h | SALA 6 | 52' | VOSE

Arianne Phillips: Dressing the Part

20:30h | SALA 1 | 60' | VOSC | (**)

Apolonia, Apolonia

21:00h | SALA 7 | 116' | VOSE

Cannes Uncut

21:15h | SALA 6 | 90' | VOSC


Mi última condena. Ana de Pombo

16:30h | SALA 1 | 90' | VOSE

Chop Suey

17:00h | SALA 7 | 98' | VOSE

Fashion vs Music

17:45h | SALA 3 | 45' | VOSE

Happy Clothes: A Film About Patricia Field

18:30h | SALA 1 | 100' | VOSC

Scooter LaForge: A Life of Art

19:15h | SALA 6 | 80' | VOSC

Slow Fashion

19:30h | SALA 7 | 46' | VOSC | (* )

Donyale Luna: Supermodel

20:45h | SALA 7 | 93' | VOSE

Apolonia, Apolonia

21:15h | SALA 6 | 116' | VOSE

Rock Hudson: All That Heaven Allowed

21:30h | SALA 1 | 104' | VOSC


Qui êtes-vous, Polly Maggoo?

16:30h | SALA 3 | 101' | VOSE

Arianne Phillips: Dressing the Part

16:45h | SALA 6 | 60' | VOSC

Cannes Uncut

17:30h | SALA 7 | 90' | VOSC

Versace, Les Liens du Sang

17:15h | SALA 1 | 52' | VOSE | (*)

Rock Hudson: All That Heaven Allowed

18:30h | SALA 6 | 104' | VOSC

Coco Chanel Unbuttoned

18:45h | SALA 1 | 89' | VOSC

Jacquemus, Le Prince Soleil

19:00h | SALA 3 | 52' | VOSC

Mi última condena. Ana de Pombo

20:15h | SALA 3 | 90' | VOSE | (*)

Happy Clothes: A Film About Patricia Field

21:00h | SALA 6 | 100' | VOSC

Tilda Swinton. Le Geste et le Genre

21:15h | SALA 1 | 51' | VOSE

27 Piazza Castello

21:15h | SALA 7 | 70' | VOSE