The Story of a Panty and of Those Who Make It

Stéfanne Prijot
Belgium | 2019 | 60 min
The Story of a Panty and of Those Who Make It - MoritzFeedDog2024

The details of the manufacturing process of a simple pair of panties offer a revealing glimpse into the lives of those who work in the shadow of the textile industry.

It’s normal that we never see how the clothes we wear are made; they arrive in our hands from the sterile shelf of a well-lit store. But by now, almost everyone knows that the affordable price of a garment does not correspond to the real cost of its production. What is the human and environmental price of our excessive consumption? Drought, pesticides, fertilizers, sick workers, deplorable working conditions… Sometimes, starting from a small anecdote allows us to understand the panorama in perspective. In the story of some humble panties, there is a journey from the cotton fields of Uzbekistan to the dyeing factories of India, passing through a human rights activist in Indonesia and a small clothing store in Belgium. The film questions the value we give to clothing, and to the lives of those who make it.

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