Shocking Schiaparelli, histoire d’une visionnaire de la mode

Élise Chassaing
2022 | France | 52 min
Documental del MFD 2025

A rebellious spirit in service of a visionary mind. An avant-garde designer who understood the expressive power of the union between art and fashion. Shocking!

Once upon a time, there was a free-spirited young woman who grew up among aristocrats, scholars, Orientalists, astronomers, mediums, philosophers, and artists. Born in fin-de-siècle Rome, she quickly realized that her natural place was Paris. There, Elsa Schiaparelli, friend of the Surrealists, blossomed—a collector of curious objects from flea markets, obsessed with themes that would become her signature: the human body, insects, trompe-l’œil, and the spirituality of vivid colors.

A collaborator of Dalí, Man Ray, and Cocteau, Schiap rivaled Gabrielle Chanel in fame. A figure often copied and sometimes misunderstood, she has enjoyed a contemporary renaissance on the red carpet, embraced by Beyoncé, Madonna, Nicole Kidman, Bella Hadid, Lady Gaga, and more.

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